Gilbert Rance


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‎Lost Alice / Shall we date?
‎Lost Alice / Shall we date?

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Chapter 01 ( 08 Parts )

[ 01 – 03 ]

Get CGx1

[ 01 – 05 ]

  • Looking down might be scary.
  • I suppose I should feel fortunate. [ best choice ]

[ 01 – 07 Checkpoint ]

[ Gilbert’s Body ] Price: 1 Lapis

Reward for choosing Premium Story
Shirt Outfit Set (Gilbert) x1

[ 01 – 08 ]

  • Are you on my side ?
  • You Don’t like these roles, do you ? [ best choice ]

Chapter 02 ( 09 Parts )

[ 02 – 03 ]

  • Who is Darius ?
  • You don’t seem happy about that … [ best choice ]

[ 02 – 06 ]

  • We’ll get it done quicker together.
  • At least no one was hurt. [ best choice ]

[ 02 – 08 Checkpoint ]

Required Sugar Points: 50 pt

Special Chance Reward
Alice in the Hi-tech World (Gilbert_1) x1

Chapter 03 ( 09 Parts )

[ 03 – 01 ]

  • I remain silent.
  • What does he mean by return ? [ best choice ]

[ 03 – 06 ]

Get CGx1

[ 03 – 07 ]

  • You seem to enjoy flying. [ best choice ]
  • You don’t seem to like folding your wings.

[ 03 – 09 ]

Premium Story [ Divine Messenger Look: Bottom Wavy Hair ] Price: 30 Lapis

Normal Story [ Divine Messenger Look: Wavy Very Short Hair ] Price: 20 Lapis or 3600 coins

Chapter 04 ( 08 Parts )

[ 04 – 02 ]

  • And you’re so high and mighty ? [ best choice ]
  • What about me do you find plain ?

[ 04 – 07 ]

  • You should rest, too. [ best choice ]
  • I’ll do that.

Chapter 05 ( 07 Parts )

[ 05 – 01 ]

  • They have a rather calming effect. [ best choice ]
  • It’ll just be a chore if they come out again.

[ 05 – 04 ]

Required Sugar Points: 8100 pt

Special Chance Reward
Alice in the Hi-tech World ( Gilbert_2 ) x1

[ 05 – 07 ]

  • I come up with a rejoinder.
  • I hold my silence. [ best choice ]

Chapter 06 ( 08 Parts )

[ 06 – 02 ]

  • You’re surprisingly nice …
  • Thank you, Darius. [ best choice ]

[ 06 – 07 ]

  • Don’t call me that. [ best choice ]
  • Can you really do that ?

Chapter 07 ( 07 Parts )

[ 07 – 02 ]

  • I’m worried about Gil …
  • Thanks, Darius. [ best choice ]

[ 07 – 03 ]

Required Sugar Points: 12.200 points

Special Chance Reward
Alice in the Hi-tech World ( Gilbert_3 ) x1

Get CGx1

[ 07 – 06 ]

  • There’s no need to worry about me.
  • Have I done something to offend him ? [ best choice ]

Chapter 08 ( 08 Parts )

[ 08 – 03 Checkpoint ]

Premium Story [ Stairway to the Sky ] Price: 50 Lapis

Normal Story [ Divine Candle ] Price: 35 Lapis or 7500 coins

[ 08 – 05 ]

  • I don’t want to have to be protected.
  • Don’t you think it’s important to be prepared ? [ best choice ]

[ 08 – 07 ]

  • He’s sincere.
  • He’s kind. [ best choice ]

Chapter 09 ( 08 Parts )

[ 09 – 02 ]

  • I enjoy your lessons, Gil. [ best choice ]
  • We don’t have much time, do we ?

[ 09 – 04 ]

Required Sugar Points: 20.400 points

Special Chance Reward
Alice in the Hi-tech World ( Gilbert_4 ) x1

Get CGx1

[ 09 – 07 ]

  • I have my doubts … [ best choice ]
  • I Believe you, Allen.

Chapter 10 ( 07 )

[ 10 – 03 ]

  • I’m fine.
  • I’d be lying if I said it didn’t bother me. [ best choice ]

[ 10 – 05 ]

  • He’s very smart. [ best choice ]
  • He’s very strong.

[ 10 – 06 Checkpoint ]

Premium Story [ Gilbert Uniform ] Price: 80 Lapis

Normal Story [ Gilbert’s Wings ] Price: 70 Lapis or 8200 coins

Chapter 11 ( 09 Parts )

[ 11 – 01 ]

  • That’s not very nice. [ best choice ]
  • I won’t waste my time on you.

[ 11 – 05 ]

Required Sugar Points: 31.600 points

Special Chance Reward
Alice in the Hi-tech World ( Gilbert_5 ) x1

[ 11 – 09 ]

  • I have to go. [ best choice ]

Chapter 12 ( 09 Parts )

[ 12 – 01 ]

  • For standing by me. [ best choice ]
  • I couldn’t have dont it on my own.

[ 12 – 05 Checkpoint ]

Required Sugar Points : 37.700 pt

[ 12 – 06 ]

  • I watch to see what happens.
  • I call out to them. [ best choice ]

Chapter 13 ( 08 Parts )

[ 13 – 03 ]

  • It’s not going to help anyone. [ best choice ]
  • I like Wonderland.

[ 13 – 05 ]

  • Leave it to me. [ best choice ]
  • That’s easier said than done  …

[ 13 – 07 Checkpoint ]

Premium Story [ Divine Messenger Look: Dress ] Price: 100 Lapis

Normal Story [ Divine Messenger Look: Tutu ] Price: 80 Lapis or 12.800 coins

Choose your ending

Destined Love Ending ( 09 Parts )

  • Story Ticket x5
  • Lapis x25
  • Power Recovery Item x60
  • Messenger from Star Look for Him x1
  • Messenger from Star Look: Starlight Bow for Him x1

Promised Future Ending

  • Story Ticket x5
  • Lapis x10
  • Power Recovery Item x30
  • Messenger from Star look x1
  • Messenger from Star Look: Starlight Eyes x1

Broken Heart Ending

  • Story Ticket x5
  • Power Recovery Item x5
  • The Sky of Wonderland x1

About Lilica

Was soll ich sagen, ich spiele sehr gerne ein bisschen von allem ^^ Momentan bin ich sehr in Indie Spiele und Visual Novel interessiert ;) Wenn ich was gutes gefunden hab, empfehl ich es gerne weiter deswegen der Blog hier ;)

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